Hola grupo motor, Desde Article 36 ( monitoriza todo lo referente a asistencia y compensación a víctimas de los ensayos y uso de armas nucleares y reparación ambiental), presentan la declaración que podéis leer en el correo que envió. Piden adhesión de las organizaciones. Es muy probable que las que estáis en NY ya lo tengáis presente pero por si acaso creo que nos podemos adherir como Alianza. Buen lunes, Carme
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: 'Victor AMISI SULUBIKA' via ICAN Campaigners < ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com> Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023, 16:51 Subject: Re: [ICAN] Joint statement on articles 6/7 - invitation to endorse To: piadevoto@gmail.com piadevoto@gmail.com, Phoebe Mok < phsinyen@gmail.com> Cc: elizabeth@article36.org elizabeth@article36.org, ICAN Campaigners < ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com>, Bonnie Docherty < bdocherty@law.harvard.edu>, Matthew B. Bolton mbolton@pace.edu
*Vision GRAM-International *endorses the document.
Thank you
*_______________________* *Victor AMISI SULUBIKA * *Executive Director* *Vision GRAM- International* Ottawa -Ontario/ Canada Website: www.gram-international.org www.visiongram.wordpress.com Twitter: @VisionGRAMintl Facebook:VisionGRAM
On Thursday, November 23, 2023 at 10:26:42 a.m. EST, Phoebe Mok < phsinyen@gmail.com> wrote:
beHuman have also endorse the statement.
Sincerely yours, Phoebe
On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 9:46 AM Pia Devoto piadevoto@gmail.com wrote:
SEHLAC endorse the statement
On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 8:18 AM Elizabeth Minor elizabeth@article36.org wrote:
Dear all, Looking forward to seeing those of you who will be in New York in a few days for the TPNW second meeting of states parties, and all the great events around it!
Article 36, the International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School and the International Disarmament Institute at Pace University (i.e. me, Bonnie and Matt) have drafted a joint statement to be delivered at the 2MSP next week in the agenda item/thematic discussion on 'victim assistance, environmental remediation, and international cooperation and assistance (articles 6 and 7)'.
You can read the statement here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10l3FKLcdok7jsQRaDv8OqjIbAqoZ38TWAlRaVwQE...
We would like to invite organisations to endorse the statement if it aligns with your views - if so, please add your organisation to the list in the document here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sBXoXwuSlst3gI51s2kJlIdgdJJdK2Ow09YTXHdX...
Please add your endorsement before the end of next Wednesday 29th to make sure you are included in the final list!
If you have any questions, please be in touch.
Thanks for all your work and best wishes, Elizabeth
-- *Elizabeth Minor *(she/her) Advisor, Article 36 Tel/whatsapp: +44 7790 418 821 Skype: elizabeth.minor2 www.article36.org *Timezone: London (GMT +1). I work part time across Mon-Fri*