Hola querido grupo motor,

Os comparto esto para que no se me pase porque sería interesante promoverlo desde la Alianza en España. Lo lanzarán a principios de septiembre. Se trata de promover que firmen el Urgent Appeal personas relevantes, very high profile people de diferentes ámbitos (cultura, política, ciencia, etc.) en nuestro país.

Podemos añadir al final de este documento nombres (y mail de contacto si los tenemos) de las personas a las que enviarlo.


Inicio del mensaje reenviado:

De: Michael Christ <mchrist@ippnw.org>
Asunto: [ICAN] Urgent Appeal
Fecha: 19 de julio de 2024, 17:57:18 CEST
Para: "ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com" <ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com>
Responder a: mchrist@ippnw.org

Dear ICAN partners,
At a meeting of the IPPNW International Council, representing all of our national affiliates, there was great concern that we need to do something to address the near term danger of nuclear war.  In response, we are launching the attached Urgent Appeal as one step to push back against this terrible danger.  It grew out of conversations with other movement leaders, including some from the original Nuclear Freeze campaign.  The final text of the Appeal was created after consultation with the ICAN staff which supports this effort.  It will be released in early September, in advance of the Summit of the Future and the 79th UN General Assembly.
It calls on the nuclear-armed nations to pledge not to use nuclear weapons, to start negotiations on a timetable for eliminating them, and to join the TPNW, all in light of the current drift toward unimaginable catastrophe.
This is NOT a citizens’ petition or a letter for peace groups to sign on to, but rather a statement intended for government officials, and prominent leaders of the faith community, the medical and scientific communities, Nobel laureates, and other notable public figures.
We would ask you to reach out to international figures or high-profile people in yourcountries, e.g. current or former members of parliament, cabinet ministers, diplomats, defense officials or military leaders medical journal editors, prominent scientists and artists, and notable clergy.
Prominent signatories may use this endorsement form (which also includes a direct link to the text of the appeal).  Or you can copy me or Molly McGinty on any correspondence with individuals that want to join and we can add their names.
Your active involvement in recruiting prominent signatories will make all the difference. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, Molly, Chuck or Ira at IPPNW.
All the best,
Michael Christ
Michael Christ
Executive Director