El 4 nov 2023, a las 19:23, Tica Font Gregori <ticafontg@gmail.com> escribió:

Todos, Angel de Justicia y paz, me manda este correo

Puede ser interesante que trabajemos el tema de Justicia Ambiental

Si no podemos incluir esto en en boletin

Nos vemos

Enviat des del meu iPhone

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Data: 4 de novembre de 2023, 12:19:41 CET
Per a: Administración Justicia y Paz <administracion@juspax-es.org>, tbroekmanxz@outlook.com, Fidel García Gutierrez <sgeneral@juspax-es.org>, ticafontg@gmail.com
Tema: RV: UN Resolution on Nuclear Justice

Buenos días a los tres,
espero que estéis disfrutando de las Jornadas en Murcia...

Os adjunto esta noticia positiva que acabo de ver sobre una resolución muy reciente de la Asamblea General de Naciones unidas que insta a abordar y reparar las múltiples consecuencias sobre los pueblos que han sufrido las pruebas de armas nucleares. Nada menos que 171 países han votado en favor de la resolución. Os adjunto el texto completo del borrador de la resolución.

Esta idea de "Justicia nuclear" me parece muy interesante, porque involucra paz, desarme, ecología y desarrollo.

Un abrazo,

De: ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com <ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com> en nombre de Ivana Hughes <ihughes@napf.org>
Enviado: viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2023 17:28
Para: ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com
Asunto: [ICAN] UN Resolution on Nuclear Justice

Dear ICAN friends,

As many of you know, the UN General Assembly's First Committee adopted a resolution on addressing the legacy of nuclear weapons testing and use last Friday with a stunning 171 states voting in favor of the resolution. The Republics of Kazakhstan and Kiribati tabled the resolution with support from NAPF and valiant efforts by Christian Ciobanu, our Policy and Advocacy Coordinator, in his role as the TPNW Advisor to Kiribati. This resolution is an important tool for socializing the TPNW and for bringing its humanitarian provisions into the broader context. You can find the resolution here: https://www.wagingpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/UNGA_C1_Resolution_L52_2023.pdf

Christian and I wrote two articles about the resolution, one, which appeared in The Nation when the resolution became public (see here: https://www.thenation.com/article/world/can-the-un-help-the-nuclear-victims-at-last/) and another one which the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists published this morning (see here: https://thebulletin.org/2023/11/a-small-victory-for-nuclear-justice-and-international-cooperation/) and which discusses the vote and future steps. I hope you will read and share them. It appears that the time has come for nuclear justice to not just be pursued, but actually achieved. It has been long overdue.

For me personally, this resolution has been a glimmer of hope during these deeply troubling, devastating, and divisive times.

I send my warmest wishes and regards to all and look forward to seeing and meeting many of you at 2MSP,



Ivana Nikolić Hughes, Ph.D.
President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation


1622 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Voice: 1-805-965-3443
Email: ihughes@napf.org

Twitter: @napf @IvanaNHughes

From: Ivana Hughes <ihughes@napf.org>
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 10:00 AM
To: ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com <ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists - from the dawn of the nuclear age to the TPNW

Dear ICAN friends,

This story has been brewing in me for a long time. I am so pleased to share it with you all.




Ivana Nikolić Hughes, Ph.D.
President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation


1622 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Voice: 1-805-965-3443
Email: ihughes@napf.org

Twitter: @napf @IvanaNHughes

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